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PzKpfw VI Tiger Ausf. E

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maxivz interpolator
UPDATE: FINISHED! Thanks everybody for the critics, hope you like the end result!


Hello guys, long time no post here. I have started working on a new personal project to push my skills further and hopefully get a good portfolio pice, i have always loved this machine so i am pretty damn excited.
I am planning to make a high res model of this tank, then put it into zbrush to add zimmermit and some damange (shots that didnt pirce the tank, some edge damange,etc). Then ill probablly low poly it and texture it but i am really looking forward to play around with high poly texturing in ddo as well so its another possibility:shifty:.
Anyways, heres some work, Ill be posting regular updates as much as my free time allows me to do, the blueprints are kind of shitty and i am still trying to get used to workign with blueprints so if you spot any big errors please tell me so i can fix them. Hit me as hard as you can!:)307da58e36.jpg


  • skyline5gtr
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    skyline5gtr polycounter lvl 9
    Couple things off bat

    The barrel should be multiple pieces, since the turret needs to recoil back into when firing. Same thing with the tip of the barrel it should be a separate piece. The rest its hard to tell till you get more going good start tho.

    just realize a lot of pieces are separate and interconnect

  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    Thanks a lot for the critics skyline, i hope fixed the front gun now, i made some more progress, starting to define the top of the turret
  • skyline5gtr
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    skyline5gtr polycounter lvl 9
    Looking good, I think where the main turret connects to the top part of the tank is off. If you look at it the tank turret top should be higher then the barrel part.

    Also the side skirts are triangles not simple planes off the body

  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    Hey guys, been pretty busy, but i am back in the action, heres a new update.
    I worked mainlly on the back part of the tank and made some fixes according to suggestions, i took some artistic liberties around the back. I am also trying some new render settings and id like to know if its a good idea to show it this way or if its harder to see stuff to critique. Will continue working on it, thanks a lot skyline5gtr for the critics you have been giving to me, it has been helping me a lot
    Edit: now that i posed i realize how bad the exaust pipe cover looks, i will fix that on the next update
  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    So im calling it quits for today, worked on this shitloads more, actually the hole day fixing and adding some more parts, specially on the back of the tank.
  • MGM
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    MGM polycounter lvl 12
  • Rumkugel
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    Rumkugel polycounter lvl 14
    You have to keep practicality in mind..
    It has to render well ingame..
  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    Hey guy, thanks for the critics, a lot of parts are not modelled 100% as they should in order for them to be noticeable, i took some artistic liberties over around the project.
    Do you think i should keep them or fix them? i am aiming at something like peperas tanks he made for red orchestra 2, some great quality work he did.
    Keep the critics coming! Id love to really improove this, i will be redoing the tank tracks now as they look really shitty for some more accurate to the tiger tank and i will continue adding all the props
  • chetanmaac
  • skyline5gtr
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    skyline5gtr polycounter lvl 9
    Coming along nicely , keep going with it will critique more once its "finished" since still some areas missing love.

    Damn i love me a tiger
  • Bensart
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    This is progressing well. My overall thought is that it looks a little bit too soft. Are you intending to create a low poly version?

    I see you've already mentioned this but the tracks are standing out to me as wrong so I'm looking forward to your update. The configuration of your wheels are incorrect. You're using the configuration of steel wheels but have modelled rubber rimmed wheels.

    I'm looking forward to your updates :)
  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    Thanks for the comments guys, @Bensart yes i am indeed making a low poly version and texturing this one after i finish the hp and the detail pass in zbrush
    I just finished making a new pair of tracks for the tank but i am remaking them again, does anybody know how i can make them follow the track path i created without them blending? I usa a path deform modifier in max but it doesn seem to make the trick as the ones in the corner become curved Heres what i mean
  • Bensart
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    What software are you using?? In 3ds max there is a spacing tool that can be found in the tools menu.
  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    Ohh no thats not the problem, the problem is how the tracks bend to fit the shape, i cant get this type of effect where the trackfollows the path but the track it doesnt bend. i am using Max with itoos clone modifier plugin, really recommend it for this kind of stuff
  • Twenty Four
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    Twenty Four polycounter lvl 11
    I would use the Object Paint Tool that you can find in the "ribbon" menu (latest versions of 3ds Max).
    First, you need to add the reference object in the object list.
    Select an edge loop and just click on the fill button, then specify a spacing value.
    I usually use this tool to append bolts and rivets. Very helpful.
    Hope it helps.
  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    Hey! New update, remade the tracks to something pretty accurate and used the object paint method to alaign the tracks,worked like a charm, thanks a load Twenty four. I also added some of the ropes and props the tank has, hopefulyl one step closer to finishing it, i will add the shovels next
  • skyline5gtr
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    skyline5gtr polycounter lvl 9
    Tread looks much much better.
  • Bensart
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    I agree, the new treads are a big improvement. I think the front drive sprocket could do with some of the same treatment :). I like the update. It's coming together nicely :D
  • coresplendor
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    coresplendor polycounter lvl 4
    Nice work so far. I don't know what level of accuracy and detail you're aiming for, but, the first thing that i noticed was the sprocket, it's very different from the real one, the last wheel is also very different. And one more thing, you need fix those sprocket's teeth, they are not even touching the tracks right now. Keep it up!

    The sprocket:t035.jpg
  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    Thnaks for the critics! I didnt put much enfasis on the wheels, i will make sure the sprockets teeth touch the tracks, but i am not very sure to remake them, i will probablly use the ones i already have as i am not aiming for 100% realist but more of a good representation of it
    I tryied displacement mapping the zimmerit but i am not very pleased with the results, i think the best thing will be to go and add them in the normal map.475138543a.jpg
  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    Another one on the zimmerit, added some damange to it and added a shell hit, also worked a bit on the side skirts, will iterate on it some more tomorrow
  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    Fixed the tracks on the front to line up properlly, finished working on the zimmerit + damange, time to move on to the low poly!
  • Tim270
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    Tim270 polycounter lvl 6
    Out of interest how did you do the zimmerit?
  • skyline5gtr
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    skyline5gtr polycounter lvl 9
    Yea tiger looking good
  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    Hey Tim270, i searched for zimmermit on tanks on google and made a tileable texture out of a picture i found, then i applyied it on max as a displacement map, moved it into zbrush and used the clay brush with a very hard falloff to detail it up and add the damange.
    Thanks skyline5gtr, working on the low poly nows, this will keep me for a while but ill manage to get it done :P
  • skyline5gtr
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    skyline5gtr polycounter lvl 9
    Tiger is easily my favorite tank so sexy mmm, so please continue kicking ass
  • ZombieWells
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    ZombieWells polycounter lvl 12
    So I know your not going for 100% accuracy, but the problem is that if your going to make a tiger... you kind of have to make a tiger, (this goes with anything, especially with something so iconic). The reason being that folks are going to look at your tank, in your portfolio, and say "that's all sorts of wrong". Which gives the impression that you don't know or don't care about your subject matter. This is very bad. On the other hand if you nail it, the model is always much better quality, it shows that you do care, you pay attention to detail, and you can do research on your own. So the bar in accuracy and modeling are extraordinarily high; and to do it right is going to take a good deal of work. So far as I can tell, most of this stuff is incorrect to very incorrect. Tread, wheels, muzzle brake, barrel, mud flaps, MG... etc. Knowing the history, production, are all major... also bolt count ;) Here are some sites to help out. Some are general information about the tiger, some are more or less the tiger your trying to make. Remember, that doing this right has incredible benefits, the work itself, the skill growth, the knowledge, research skills, (knowing how to look for something is a skill set on it's own, and super handy). Just to mention that I am going to post model kits, they come with all sorts of good stuff, including names to parts that not might be on your real tank ref; so now you can go a head and look up the part. Good luck.

    Note: some of this stuff is not Ausf. E but nice to look at anyhow.





  • skyline5gtr
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    skyline5gtr polycounter lvl 9
    that video is freaking awesome zombie
  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    Thanks a lot for the critique ZombieWells, as you mentioned 100% realism wasntthe goal for this project but i didnt know i had fucked it up soo bad with accuracy. I will keep that in mind for my next project as i will be starting a sdkfz puma as soon as i finish this tiger tank.
    Heres some progress on todays bake test, the low poly is 80k tris(it was around 39k polys) yeah i made tracks individual pices cause why not :P
    I will work on the final normal maps and then bake some ambient occlussion, then its time for texturing
  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    looks very nice so far, but i cant stop thinking about how something of the rectangular front turret plate dosnt line up with my impression of the tiger

    After looking around a bit, i found that the angle of the hinge is far smaller on the original, something like 15° while you have something that looks like 30 (bot) and 40° (top)


    The front plate has also very soft edges while the special metal look of the original is very sharp, and the side ends of the rectangular plate end very sharp, while the original go convex inwards. Id also like so see some more sharp edges mixed up with the soft edges, I think that would add a lot of the realistic look , mainly on the massive armor plates

    the picture that skyline conveniently posted also shows the frontal turret plate very well

    Aside looks like a very nice bake
  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    Hello guys, been a while since i last updated this as i have been pretty busy and searching for some work without luck. I continued workingon the bakes and after a very long and painful process of computer crashes due to max taking up all my ram while baking i ended up splitting the model, baking in parts and merging them together so it kinda took a load of time.
    Heres the bakes, thanks a lot Shirke for the critique on theturrent plate and nowthat you point it out its really annoying me i will come back to this model later this year and remake it a load more accure but for now i am going to stick with what i have model wise as i am really needing it for the portfolio, i am really glad you liked the test bakes :). I have been searching for german camos and i have decided to use the "ambush" camouflage as i really liked how unique it is compared to most camouflages as seen on this picture:
    Once i get the base for the camouflage and base materials ill start on detailing the tank, hopefully i would like to get a lot of critiques in this part of the process as i really want to push my skills on this area a lot as it the area i feel less secure skillwise.
    Anyways, heres the model and thanks a lot to everybody with the critiques you have been giving me so far as this wouldnt be the same without them
  • thefirstman
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    Very nice! It's beautiful.
  • pmiller001
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    pmiller001 greentooth
    Why'd you put those wobbly lines all over the model? its not on your concept, or am I just missing something about tanks?
    also, PLEASE show how you do the low poly of this, i'm learning that myself, and I cant think of how to do it :O
  • commador
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    commador polycounter lvl 14
    pmiller001 wrote: »
    Why'd you put those wobbly lines all over the model? its not on your concept, or am I just missing something about tanks?
    also, PLEASE show how you do the low poly of this, i'm learning that myself, and I cant think of how to do it :O

  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    Heres some progress on the texture, i have to fix obvious tiling errors like the one in the muzzle break, first detail pass and defining base materials materials, i still have to make a detail pass on the back.
    Also pmiller001 as commador said thats zimmerit, heres also a wireframe for you, keep in mind i did not aim for a specific polycount and i just had fun with the tracks
  • AlecMoody
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    AlecMoody ngon master
    Good progress so far. I think presentation will look a lot better if you dial back your fill light ~30% and significantly increase your key light.
  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    A bit more for today, i am having problems breaking up the specular hightligh due to the metalness workflow, but i worked some more on it, cleaned it up a bit cause it was getting kind of noisy and added more dirt. Any critics on the texture would be greatlly appreciated.
    Also AlecMoody i was using just skylight in marmo, now i am using a directional light with a darker background as you suggested, maybe its better now? I dont have much experience with this but i kinda like the more natural lighting of just the skylight. Heres it
  • skyline5gtr
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    skyline5gtr polycounter lvl 9
    What size map are you using? Some area look very blurry like low resolution and its not doing the model justice
  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    Hey skyline, i am using 4k maps but i am pretty sure they are terribly packed as i just normalized them inside max once all the parts were completed and just threw them inside uv layout and made an automatic pack without manually tunning after that
    Heres a screenshot of the ao for example, i am now wondering if i should go back and re pack the maps
  • billymcguffin
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    billymcguffin polycounter lvl 11
    That pack looks pretty good to me, except for the huge hole where the turret goes. I think it's just the camo texture that's too blurry, the other details look fine to me in terms of resolution.
  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    Hey billy that huge hole where the turrent goes in is just a hole quad, thats why theres the big black circle i ncase your refferign to it, its the bakes AO, i tryied to mitate the blurryness of the camouflage that comes from airbrushing it, i will remake the camo, i am also thinking about removing the camo and make the grey painted version of the tank
  • billymcguffin
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    billymcguffin polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah, I'm just saying the airbrushed look is probably what made skyline think your textures were low res. Camo can be hard to do right because if you do it realistically, it obscures the forms and shapes of your model, which you don't want usually. Maybe do one version with just a flat green, and one version with some sort of camo?
  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    I will be doing the standard german grey paint, rearrange all the details for to work well for the grey and then maybe just add a camo as another version, but the gery makes everything more visible and makes the details stand out, i will refine them, add more interesting shapes, heres it without the cammo.
  • pmiller001
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    pmiller001 greentooth
    MAN this is cool!
    PS Thanks commador for the answer, I thought it was weird.
    I still think its weird, but now i know it has a function lol
  • Tim270
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    Tim270 polycounter lvl 6
    That last shot is looking sick man, really turned out nice.

    I cant help but feel it would be worth using geo for the front and rear sprockets though, the front really sticks out as lacking geometry. It just really contrasts as you have committed loads of geo everywhere else. Tbh I think there are a lot of areas you could reduce and trade the geometry for the sprockets without losing any roundness.

    Very impressive though!
  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    Thanks pmiller and Tim, i am still working on it, i am redoing all the dirt as its really unnatural, i will see how i can fix the geo issue, ill probablly remove some of the front tank tracks as well if not all of them as i prefeer to add some texture detail up there in the front. I will play around with that once i am happy with the dirt and finish tweaking the overall damange and grim.
    Keep the feedback coming! Your helping me a lot guys :D i cant thank you enugh
  • pmiller001
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    pmiller001 greentooth
    @maxivz, in regards to modeling tank, do you think its necessary to know the ins and outs of the tank to model it correctly? I keep referring to parts of your tank as
    "the barrel that shoots the bullets"
    "the part the barrel is connected to".
  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    miller, theres no need to know how to name the parts of the tank, of course it will help when talkingabout it or searching for references but appart from that i dont see any need to learn the names of the tank parts.
    No more tiger for today, i removed some of the scratches and leaks cause it was getting quite nosy, i also added a bunch of details all over the tank, added more dirt, going to continue tomorrow, i know it looks a bit too beaten up but i am trying to make it interesting while taking inspirations from the real one, i would like to know what you think about that, if they are too much or if its okay. Anways, thanks a lot for the comments so far, ckeep critiquizing :D
  • Add3r
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    Add3r polycounter lvl 11
    Came out really well, maybe use some more browns/rust to pop shapes a little bit? Like on the curved cable and vents and such where there is thin, easy to corrode metal. Nit picky for an overall awesome piece. :)
  • maxivz
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    maxivz interpolator
    Okay, i finally finished it and i now feel like its time to move on to another project, i have learnt loads of things with this project and i cant thank you enought with how much you have helped me with your critic guys, i will be starting another project soon and i hope i am able to learn a load more. Its alreaby been 3 weeks since i started and i cant describe how much fun i had with it, hopefully it will make for a good portfolio pice. Cheers and thanks a load for all the critiques and feedback
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