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Monthly Noob Challenge October(12) Concept Thread



    Indeed. Can't wait til that cat master awakens! :)
  • pandaleon
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    pandaleon polycounter lvl 7
  • Aerial_Knight
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    Aerial_Knight polycounter lvl 8
  • JaySmitt
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    JaySmitt polycounter lvl 13
    Might as well get started on the abandoned outpost. It's the 1st of October and it has 18 votes to the control room corridor's 9. Good luck people! :)
  • Shuaws
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    Shuaws polycounter lvl 5
    yah i was waiting for an official thread to be sure, anyway gl everyone
    Indeed. I think Alex is still at work or something. Breakdown time...
  • Shuaws
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    Shuaws polycounter lvl 5
    im trying to figure out all the little objects in the scene is there a broken car door on the left?
    I believe so. Thought it was a full car wreck at first, but it does seem like there are just randomly scattered car parts all over the area.

    Be cool to see how everyone interprets the areas out of shot! :) Getting some sketches down to flesh out my plan of attack.
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    Don't start anything yet. Or i wouldn't;)
  • riceart
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    riceart polycounter lvl 11
    anyone knows where is this place in deusex? which level i mean. I would like to check how this was made by "profesionals" :)
    seems like a clear winner good sir... ;)
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    seems like a clear winner good sir... ;)
    We are talking about what to do this in the noob challenge Skype right now.
    That's cool. I don't have skype. So the vote is redundant? Fair enough.
  • skyline5gtr
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    skyline5gtr polycounter lvl 9
    the control room looked good for modular practice
  • Shuaws
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    Shuaws polycounter lvl 5
    would it be a bad idea to have two concepts?
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    That's cool. I don't have skype. So the vote is redundant? Fair enough.

    No generally not, but sometimes we do not pick the winning concept based on what we think the best choice is going to be. This month we really wanted something hard surface because that has been lacking and we feel it will mix things up a bit, sometimes something seems like while a good concept is not the best choice to do in a month so we won't pick that one. It really depends, but if we do that we can use the vote to gauge what people like so they don't feel like we don't care about their input.

    So generally no we don't override the vote but we will this time. A lot of the votes are on concepts that seemed a lot for a month. This month we want to mix it up with hard surface and then is also very very do-able in a month. That's the best part about a few of them such as the mirrors edge tunnel. I also thing having it be from a game makes it easier for learning as you can reference the game, see what quality bar they set is and use it for reference.

    I will try and get it up this afternoon as I am at work right now.
    I see. Perhaps in your next concept choice thread, assign a defined theme for focus. 'Hard-surface, Foliage'.. And state it at the start of the thread so that people aren't getting there hopes up and voting heavily on an image that wont get chosen in the end anyways. Seems unfair. I completely understand your reasoning. Makes good sense. But the way you have gone about it does not.
  • Shuaws
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    Shuaws polycounter lvl 5
    sounds good alex ill wait for an official thread, and maximus i think your right with having a focus on the theme
  • walreu
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    I see. Perhaps in your next concept choice thread, assign a defined theme for focus. 'Hard-surface, Foliage'.. And state it at the start of the thread so that people aren't getting there hopes up and voting heavily on an image that wont get chosen in the end anyways. Seems unfair. I completely understand your reasoning. Makes good sense. But the way you have gone about it does not.

    If were going to have themes/restrictions, these need to be pointed out before the voting, not after it..
    Cheers guys. I didn't want to come across like a brat or anything. Just seemed slightly unfair that things were being altered elsewhere without most people's knowledge. Any opinion on skype should hold just as much power as anyone's vote within the established thread in my opinion.

    Either way, cant complain about the other concept. It's awesome. We can all join the infamous sci-fi corridor crew! :)
  • SpeedyB
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    I'll jump in if we do this one:
    Sounds like it will be that one dude. Good luck! :)
  • frmdbl
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    frmdbl polycounter
    You could have encouraged people to vote for the other image was it so important to
    have a simpler and hard-surface scene.

    This override of votes performed in such a shoddy way,
    defeats to me the whole idea of a community challenge as its name implies.
  • Zerogun
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    Zerogun polycounter lvl 9
    I think since we have two groups of people wanting two different images I say why not both? Of course it could get confusing on one thread, so we could always break it up into two. I think this would get the whole voting issue out of this month's choices and allow the following month to make a focus such as with hard surface, foliage, etc.

    Then again I'm only a modeler, not a cop.
  • skyline5gtr
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    skyline5gtr polycounter lvl 9
    maybe create two separate threads one for each concept
  • WarrenM
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    Guys, it's a friendly monthly challenge. Just go with it. Alex runs it, so he gets final say in whatever is being done that month. If you want to work on something else, go for it. Don't over complicate something that should be fun and casual...
    I agree, tis a casual thing, just go with it guys.

    As for the ''Alex runs it so he gets final say''statement, i couldn't disagree more.
  • WarrenM
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    Sure. That's always been my perception, maybe I'm wrong.
  • Catchingdusk
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    Catchingdusk polycounter lvl 10
    Psst: If you don't like the concept that was chosen, just do one of the others yourself and post it on P&P. You'll still get feedback on it! :)

    I personally like the idea of changing up the challenges in favor of variety.
    Well yes, you are most definitely wrong.I agree with most comments that you post throughout these threads but that makes no sense to me what so ever.

    To state that Alex has definitive control over the selection of the threads concept is to say that the thread is not essentially a community challenge at all. When we all know that's exactly what it is considering it is tailored to aid in the development of core skills for Noob level artists (and imo, Alex is far from a Noob himself :P). I get what you were implying, it just sounded very ''what he says goes''. It's all based upon input and response. I hope.
  • WarrenM
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    Well, Alex created it, coordinates it, runs it, manages it ... you can see where I might make that assumption.
  • dissonance
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    riceart wrote: »
    anyone knows where is this place in deusex? which level i mean. I would like to check how this was made by "profesionals" :)
    Panchea, after Darrow's press conference.
    Of course. The main point being that his final say is a result of community input. So ultimately what the community says goes, which is then confirmed by Alex.


    dissonance is right. I cant remember that corridor though for some reason. I can remember the corridor featured in the concept that was below the control room corridor though..

    edit - now i remember :)


    at 1:13 (i think)
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    I'm not trying to just be an asshole here. I don't normally go against what was voted for. I am doing this whole thing for you guys and I take the time from my day and in a lot of cases work to do this and interact with the Skype group. I don't want pity, I'm just saying this isn't the biggest thing in my life and I try and do my best.

    I can understand if it's a bit annoying but I just want to try something this month and push a concept. I normally abide by my own rules and I get community input before I make these choices, I'm not just like "OMG MY CHALLENGE MY RULES I DECIDE LEL I MADE YOU VOTE BUT IM NOT GUNNA PICK IT HAHAHHA". No, I am working with feedback I got after the last few month's challenge and interacting with the Skype group since they give feedback faster. Lately I don't have a lot of time to post on Polycount. I could have been more clear from the start, sorry. I am not perfect and I get pulled in a lot of different directions in life like us all and can't spend every minute pouring over the details of everything I say.

    Basically I am trying to do my best to deliver a good challenge for all to grow and benefit from. I am always open to suggestion and ideas, ALWAYS. A lot of things have been introduced and changed and the format is always changing for this. A lot of it is from feedback from you guys. PM me, I always reply to them instead of a whole page of arguing as to why or why I do or don't do something.

    I am hoping to be off work soon and Vysuki from PC is starting the 2D Noob Challenge, we are excited about this and hope it be a positive thing as well.

    Anyways I shall post the new thread in about two-three hours unless I have to stay late. Thanks for waiting since normally I post the thread the night before.

    I would also like to say it has been really cool to watch these threads happen and see how people have gotten better over time and hear about people from all over the world join in, I think it's the coolest thing ever and want to make you guys happy. I've met a lot of awesome people through this and want to make it bigger.
  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator
    What likely happens with a more challenging concept, is very few people are able to follow through with it, and there is less critigue/learning/whatever in that thread. Hell the September MNC was quite doable, and I didn't manage to finish it, but there were plenty of people who worked on their own versions and gave and received good crits.

    Doing an MNC challenge already has the detriment of a bunch of people having the same concept as you in their portfolio, so if you aren't going to gain much in terms of critique and seeing other workflows, why not just go and do some other concept?
  • skyline5gtr
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    skyline5gtr polycounter lvl 9
    Alex - we all thank you for the time and effort you put into this, it really helps us noobs
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator

    A Facebook and Twitter post on PC will be made with the two chosen from last month. Check out the 2d challenge as well.
    Alex - I echo the above. You do a great job dude. Setting up several groups, getting threads out in good time, responding to people with helpful advice.

    Don't take my previous post's as anything against that. Just wanted to get a better understanding of how things were going down. I really must get Skype sorted..

    Your doing just fine master of cats. Especially while juggling multiple commitments! If i lived in Washington i'd buy you a catnip laced beer for your efforts! :)

    m4dcow - Good points well made.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    sorry guys i really do apologize for putting in the stalker2 abandoned output scene, like the OP thinks it really is a lot of work for 1 month.

    though i think when these threads are made, there should be a clear theme, or even better a clear idea of what each challenge should be teaching.
  • alecchalmers
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    alecchalmers polycounter lvl 10
    I'm happy to do that one, thanks for sorting out this competition for everyone.
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
    Offline / Send Message
    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    Alex - I echo the above. You do a great job dude. Setting up several groups, getting threads out in good time, responding to people with helpful advice.

    Don't take my previous post's as anything against that. Just wanted to get a better understanding of how things were going down. I really must get Skype sorted..

    Your doing just fine master of cats. Especially while juggling multiple commitments! If i lived in Washington i'd buy you a catnip laced beer for your efforts! :)

    m4dcow - Good points well made.

    HA, I'm not even old enough to drink for 2 months. But I do enjoy snorting catnip.
    haha no way! And already so accomplished as an artist! fair play. Catnip and milk it is! :)
  • dissonance
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    dissonance is right. I cant remember that corridor though for some reason. I can remember the corridor featured in the concept that was below the control room corridor though..

    edit - now i remember :)


    at 1:13 (i think)
    Yup, that's the same area I was thinking of.
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