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Grand Theft Auto V



  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    I had really wanted this until a month ago when my PS3 died. Now I am waiting for the PC version, when (and if?) it comes.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer interpolator
    that's it, pc version...
  • peanut™
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    peanut™ polycounter lvl 19
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    What crazy person is gonna be up at 3 am :(
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    What crazy person is gonna be up at 3 am :(

    I think thats when it starts
  • almighty_gir
  • Drav
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    Drav polycounter lvl 9
    I dont know how this happened really, but I spen t most of today playing GTA 5 at a friends house, who bought it from a store on friday. Apparently small retailers in Spain have the offical boxed game in stock, and some are selling it already. Afaik its sold out already.

    Anyway, that not really my point. I just wanted to make it clear that i have not pirated this game, and afaik it was bought for full price from a shop, came with manual, code etc etc

    What i wanted to say was, this game is incredible, the graphics, the story, the 3 characters thing is IMMENSE in my opinion. No spoilers, but I think you guys will love it.

    Heres to hoping Rockstar makes lots of money from this, they have made a truly outstanding game, and they deserve to be rewarded. I was only a tenth of the way through, and Im really blown away by how good it is.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11

    Quite an easy fix though

    MS just has to look for any evidence of them loading the game before September 17th and ban them when they reconnect to xbox live
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    I'm sure you could change the ban depending on the country, if Spain retailers are really giving them out early then it isn't the customers fault

    It seems a bit like rockstars fault also, the game should require an activating patch that only becomes available on release day
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    Game shops really shouldn't be releasing games before the official release date, one near me got fined heavily and basically got shut down because of it. perna - not you, but the shop you bought the game from should get royally fucked up.
  • Wesley
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    Wesley polycounter lvl 13
    frell wrote: »
    It seems a bit like rockstars fault also, the game should require an activating patch that only becomes available on release day

    And force everyone to be online? I seem to remember there was a console trying to do that...
  • peanut™
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    peanut™ polycounter lvl 19
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Wesley wrote: »
    And force everyone to be online? I seem to remember there was a console trying to do that...

    Ah sorry I completely forgot about that lol


  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    Definitely looking forward to playing the game, some folk at work didn't understand when I explained the reasons why it won't look as good as some XB1 / PS4 launch titles. Looks like such a big world, it will be life sapping if I play it, know someone who has taken a week off for it!?
  • fatihG_
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    fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
    Man some people started posting on facebook they already have this game.. If I had known about it during the day I would have gone out and bought the game.
  • peanut™
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    peanut™ polycounter lvl 19
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Hm. I wonder if broken street dates work internationally.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    i am waiting to pre load mine on monday, to play it tuesday :D its gonna be amazing! ps3 ftw here.
  • MainManiac
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    makes me glad i didn't preorder. i'll wait a while and see if it comes to ps4, if not i'll get it on ps3 next year sometimes.
  • osman
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    osman polycounter lvl 18
    Not sure if GTA5 will come to next-gen consoles or not, but remember that Rockstars engine is probably next-gen ready. So it makes sense that there's some orbis/xbox one stuff in there. But I really hope 5 comes to ps4!
  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 11
    I've already pre-ordered on 360, but I'll gladly buy the PC version as well just as I did with IV. But GTA V looks too damn good I just can't wait for it, is all. :D
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    perna wrote: »
    I'm enjoying this a lot, but got to say - there must be something wrong with whoever approved the mission with the Azerbijani guy. I understand including controversial bits to generate media attention, but there's no redeeming qualities here, unless you're one of those sad freaks who enjoy killing kittens or jerking off to rotten.com and all of that kind of crap.

    You really don't want a healthy, normal human being to enter the room while you're playing that part, like a girlfriend or family members. Just a heads-up.

    To my knowledge, you can't skip it. Believe me, I tried.

    Care to elaborate? I'd like to prepare myself so just incase I find something positive about the mission I can assassinate those thoughts to stay away from the kitten killing and such.

    But seriously, what goes down? Getting the game tomorrow, can't wait.
  • keizza
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    keizza polycounter lvl 18
    yeah perna. i'm in the same boat. i'm an older dude.....and i would like to know what stupidity to bypass if i can. not "choose to not do the mission"....but rather....what to look out for.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Yikes. I'd have thought a bit harder about ordering the game if I'd known it was going to feature anything like that. Kinda considering cancelling my order at this point.
    I don't think I'm ok with interactive torture.

    This is one of those times when it'd be nice to still have no R rating, as Rockstar would have been forced to remove that crap from our release.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Lol interactive torture, Rockstar you cheeky cunts at it again

    They thrive on edgy shit, I'm not surprised.
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    Can't say I would enjoy torturing someone like that in a video game. That's kinda fucked up.

    That makes me not want to play the single player campaign at all. My interest was entirely for GTA: O, but now I feel kind bad giving money to a team that is okay with that.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Well, before I go jumping to too many hasty conclusions, what's the context here? Rockstar aren't above courting controversy for more sales, but GTA is pretty much one big social commentary and indictment on the negative aspects of Western culture. Is there any kind of extraordinarily biting satire going on here?

    EDIT: Alright, dug up a video. Spoilers here.
    That's a bit much for me. I think I'm going to leave this one on the shelf. It's a pity, I was kinda looking forward to it up until this morning.
  • PogoP
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    PogoP polycounter lvl 10
    Sounds like something that would be in Saints Row, not GTA.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    did nobody consider that they may have put this into the game to force people into feeling uncomfortable about something that does actually happen?
  • Wesley
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    Wesley polycounter lvl 13
    Also this is basically spoiled now for anyone entering this thread (also presented in a way without context and giving knee jerk reaction). The game still isn't actually out... someone walking into this thread might not realise people have got hold of it early and might not be happy it's just being spoiled in here...
  • sheckee
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    sheckee polycounter lvl 9
    CeX shop taking the piss here a bit.

  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Mm fair point. I don't think it's a particularly major spoiler unless you actually sit down and watch the video, but I'll go back and add some more spoiler tags. Maybe others could do the same.
  • Dave Jr
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    Dave Jr polycounter lvl 9
    sheckee wrote: »
    CeX shop taking the piss here a bit.


    This REALLY pisses me off -.- the fact their making almost as much as the developers....
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    hmm... anyone preordered this on ps3 digital? thought this was available for download by now... but i don't see where to download ~_~ anyone?
  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 11
    I don't see what the big deal is? We all know torture is wrong, we would never torture anyone in real life. Rockstar obviously felt it's an important part of the game, I have a hard time thinking they'd do anything unwarranted. It's an M rated game so I'm not particularly surprised.

    Granted I haven't seen it yet, but I can't help but feel that we're passed this discussion of violence in video games. I would love to hear more specifically why you guys are having difficulties with this.
  • Dazz3r
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    Dazz3r polycounter lvl 12
    Wait folks have problem with torture but not: murder, prostitution, killing prostitutes, robbing banks, organised crime, street robbery, beating someone to death in the street with a baseball bat and mowing down pedestrians just to get from A to B?

    hmmm, its GTA peeps!
  • sheckee
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    sheckee polycounter lvl 9
    @Dave JR - It really irritates me because they obviously got their stock early, broke the embargo, and are selling stock that's intended to be priced at around £40-50 for way higher. They are a joke. I hope that Rockstar Games (and other companies) will blacklist them from being a retailer. Because it's terrible.
  • MdK
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    MdK polycounter lvl 9
    sheckee wrote: »
    @Dave JR - It really irritates me because they obviously got their stock early, broke the embargo, and are selling stock that's intended to be priced at around £40-50 for way higher. They are a joke. I hope that Rockstar Games (and other companies) will blacklist them from being a retailer. Because it's terrible.

    CEX only deal in second hand games so they can't be blacklisted. This is just people who have got the game early and sold it on to CEX at probably more than they paid for it.
  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 11
    I just saw the scene. Sure it's controversial, but it's nothing we haven't seen in a movie before. I really hope this doesn't get blown out of proportion... It wasn't that bad. And no I'm one of those sad freaks who enjoy killing kittens or jerking off to rotten.com.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Now I want to see the torture scene just to see if all this fuss lives up to it

    I'm guessing its just some clothed characters doing some animations with a few blood particles
  • WarrenM
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    Now I want to see the torture scene just to see if all this fuss lives up to it
    Welcome to the Rockstar marketing campaign, where the laziest shit gets the biggest hits!

    You've been served!
  • glottis8
  • J0NNYquid
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    J0NNYquid polycounter lvl 5
    Love Sessler's reviews. As if I couldn't be more excited for this game......

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pciGmXmE3uk&feature=share&list=PLWnpHOQXsPDvS6Gau3psqmUi93Y9lGKp8"]Grand Theft Auto 5 REVIEW! Adam Sessler Reviews - YouTube[/ame]
  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 11
    perna wrote: »
    You don't enjoy it, but you certainly seem desensitized to such things. Is that really a whole lot better?
    I guess I am, yeah. When it's not real I'm not really bothered by it. I can make the distinction between the two.

    And I would say rape is worse, which is why no developers are doing it (as far as I know?). Trust me, I'm completely aware of how horrible torture is. I always squint when I happen to come across real victims of it (Reddit is at fault, and me for clicking, FYI I don't actively search for it lol). I'm just not that bothered when fictional characters and polygons get beat up. If it's part of the game, it's probably because Rockstar thought it was an important part of Trevor to show how fucked up he is. Or something.
    frell wrote: »
    Now I want to see the torture scene just to see if all this fuss lives up to it

    I'm guessing its just some clothed characters doing some animations with a few blood particles
    Here it is. Hurry up before it's deleted. I don't personally think it's a spoiler since I don't get the context, but consider this a warning anyway.
  • WarrenM
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    I think Rockstar gets ways too much credit for thinking through the story and character development and such. This wasn't put in for character or story reasons, it was put in (and early in the game) so people would see it and talk about it on the internet - free marketing. It's kinda transparent.

    EDIT : My opinion is probably suspect however as I have little love for this series. I always find it highly annoying and hit shelf moments very quickly due to shitty controls or camera issues or lack of save points or whatever.
  • sheckee
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    sheckee polycounter lvl 9
    perna wrote: »
    You realize that's a cheap blanket statement that can be used to justify literally any content whatsoever?

    When you're mowing down hundreds of police in conjunction with a robbery in GTA, it's no more a murder simulator than Super Mario Bros is a simulator for cruelty towards animals. The characters are empty cardboard cutouts, and serve the game mechanics. There's very little room for you to empathize with those AI, it's either you or them, and they serve a technical purpose.

    You don't enjoy it, but you certainly seem desensitized to such things. Is that really a whole lot better?

    Let's say the game forced you to act out a rape scene in graphic detail, with the woman pleading for her life and to return to her family, while you performed quicktime events to control the exact details of her abuse, and at the end you're made to realize that the acts will have life-changing consequences for the woman. ...And you're sitting there saying "it's not that bad - it's nothing we haven't seen in a movie before."

    Then again I don't get how people can enjoy movies like Hostel, or why some kids like to torture animals and so on... I have something called empathy, which seems to be getting increasingly rare. When I'm treated to a graphic scene, played out with dramatic sincerity and weight, with gut-wrenching audio and realistic visuals, of an innocent person having his whole life ruined and being subjected to ghastly torture, when it's clear how psychologically affected he is, and he's pleading and telling me about his family... Well, I feel that is enough to make a healthy, mature person empathetically connect and be disgusted.

    I'm not sure what type of scene could have been worse, without involving children somehow. Then again there are legal mainstream movies these days that contain sexual abuse of newborn babies, so I guess that wouldn't be so bad either.

    I suspect that you'll find a connection between the age of players and their reaction to such scenes. When you've seen just a bit of life it's hard to casually dismiss this kind of crap.

    I really agree. I feel like empathy is a rare thing, I find that my empathy is overwhelming at times. I think I'm going to struggle with this scene a lot, I wish it were optional. I do hope it's the only part like it in the game.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    I enjoy scenarios that makes me feel different things about the characters I'm seeing or playing, and I like to experience things in media that are extremely uncomfortable topics.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Oh, that's it? Just torture? In a game named after a felony? Where in previous iterations of the series you make hotdogs out of people, murder countless innocents, can hear cops beg for their life after you shoot them and go berserk with a chainsaw?

    What if the interactive torture is there to make you feel like shit, like that one part in Spec Ops, what if it's there to further cement that this character is fucked up, what if this entire game is about being a criminal and doing illegal shit like all the other ones have been?

    It's also rather dimwitted to automatically assume anything controversial or "icky" in a game is there purely for shock value and to get sales.
    GTA has always been about social commentary and reflecting reality in a exaggerated manner, both in serious and darkly humoristic tones.

    Jeez perna, with the way you were going on about this and saying people who play this stuff kill kittens and jerk off to rotten.com I thought you were raping a kid or something messed up, but it's just torture, which is ridiculously common and not enough people know it is, so having players feel awful about it and showing it in all its horrible glory is a good thing, makes you think.

    Also perna, the baby rape movie is not mainstream, at all, seriously. It's also been banned in several countries.
    But Zero Dark Thirty which is 30% torture is perfectly fine.

    Still looking forward to the game.

    Also what Eld and Brygelsmack said
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    I'm a good person, I'm very empathetic towards real people, or if a character is likeable or well written in a movie, or book or game, something affecting them can affect me. I love animals and kids, I've never physically hit anyone or gone out of my way to psychologically hurt anyone, ever.

    But I really like violent games, I like movies and games that try to push boundaries and make me think I also like games where I can shoot someones face apart, because it's a game and I can do it. So what am I? A sociopath?
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