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[Hand Painted] Ogre Character

polycounter lvl 10
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gilesruscoe polycounter lvl 10
Been working on this guy for the last couple of days as a portfolio piece. About 12 hours work in total. Used Photoshop and 3D Coat for textures and Blender 2.49 (yup, the old version) for modelling.

Havn't rigged him up yet, but i promise i will post a more interesting pose soon :)


Construction shots:




  • MGrecke
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    MGrecke polycounter lvl 7
    this is sweet man! : D I love this character, and his cute little hat! ^^
  • Bon
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    Middle wire render looks a bit suss with that chicken positioning. The cankles make it look a little strange, maybe thin them up a bit. The legs in general could do with bigger quads, his hamstrings are massive. Other than that it is good stuff!
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    too much contrast. too much black in his face - don't shade with black!

    a lot of 'noise' on the character, you've got lines on the characters skin that don't make much sense, they just busy up the texture.

    his body is very 'boxy' - particularly the legs. for the amount of polies you're using you could have a much smoother, more interesting silhouette.

    texturing is inconsistent - look at the transition on his arm band, then look at the bottom of his shorts. one has harsh shading and the other is subtle.

    i can't really tell whats going on with the piece of metal strapped to his arm. my eyes are drawn to the vaginal shaped dent(?) in the middle of it, every time i look at the piece.

    generally things look too low-rez for a 1024

    i think this is a good start, but you need to put a lot more time into it before its ready to be a portfolio piece.
  • gilesruscoe
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    gilesruscoe polycounter lvl 10
    @Mgrecke, thanks!

    @Bon, haha, yes.. chicken penis is a bit suspect... i dont really want to give him thinner ankles.. as i want him to look rather flabby, i could thin them down a little, but maybe widening his heel/foot would serve the same purpse?

    @Sectaurs, I think i went a bit OTT with my b/w overlays on the face instead of actually painting darker shades, resulting in the black, will probably try fix this with some colour corrections if possible. With the whole noise thing, i was aiming to get the character looking pretty busy, not your typical smooth skinned ogre ;) but more of a wrinkled toad... Might have over done it? Looking at the legs now, from the side they do seem too wide and not very well formed, will adjust this.
    I'm not quite sure what you mean by the inconsistency, are you refering to the lack of shadowing where the shorts meet with the legs?
    You've encounted some monstrous vaginas in your time if thats what you instantly thought ;) It's meant to be a rough dent/cut in the middle of the metal peice, yes.

    Cheers for the fresh eyes on this, so easy to get bogged down thinking everything looks fine once you've been staring at it for so long.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    will probably try fix this with some colour corrections if possible.

    Fix it with paint.
  • jmt
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    I agree with Sectaurs 100%.

    Another thing to mention is that many of the wrinkles look unnatural, especially at the back of his neck, under his arms, at the back of his knee, across his chest and around his eyes. They do not flow with the forms properly.

    The way his arms curve down in almost a circle looks bad. And why are his biceps so spiky? His hands look flat and come out of his wrists at the wrong angle (see side wireframe).
  • Roepetoepa
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    Roepetoepa polycounter lvl 12
    hmmm man you should really check your colors, never shade with black always a darker variant of the base color and look for interessting base colors not such dull colors ...
    Also loose the grunge and the weird wrinkles in your diffuse.
    Maybe look up some 3D from world of warcraft they make good handpainted creatures :)
    Dont let this discourage you ! keep practicing :)
    good luck !
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