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TF2 - Polypack - RobSkib

Hey y'all, long time lurker, first time poster. I've finally pulled my finger out and settled down to do some work for this awesome competition, but I've been wracking my brains trying to come up with a decent concept. I'm self-taught (read: awful) at XSI and I've just weaned myself off PSP and onto Photoshop, so bear with the awful drawings. From what I've learned from this place though, everyone is incredibly friendly and helpful which is good, I'll certainly need a lot of help!

I've scoured the forum and (to my knowledge) nobody has done anything similar to this, and if they have, I'm sure someone can point me in the right direction. I realise I've started this competition fairly late in the game, but I have plenty of spare time now that Uni has finished and I'd really like to get something ace out of this, so I hope to update with doodles and renders even if nobody replies. Anyhoo, on with the show...

CLASS: Pyro!

THEME: Aztec Fire God!

Three items:
- Melee Weapon -
'Macahuitl' or 'club with sharp rocks'
- Primary - An ancient Mayan Flamethrower
- Hat - Fancy Headdress

I've done a couple of rough sketches so you realise there is method to this madness:


In the morning I'll get some proper concepts done, various designs etc and I'll start blocking out some ideas for the Macahuitl and the flamethrower. To save excessive googling, a macahuitl is essentially this:


Not my work, just plundered off t'internets.

I havn't put any of this into practice yet, but you have to start somewhere, right? I thought although Pyro holds his axe with one hand near the bottom of the handle and his other hand near the top, this wouldn't be too much of a problem as when he's going hell for leather, both hands are at the bottom.

I'm using images such as these for reference so you know where I'm coming from. Bright, bold colours with a very distinct 'old world' feel. I know at first glance this might not seem to fit into the TF2 universe, but I think once I've got work starting to take shape, it'll tie in quite nicely. Well, that's the theory anyway.


Watch this space!


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