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TF2 - Polypack - fastturtle

Hey everybody! I've got some ideas for the medic. The idea, or theme behind mine is to make the medic much better at being a 'Combat Medic'.

First up, I've got a Secondary replacement (uses Medigun slot):

The Berlin Wall or Panzerung


A passively equipped item (like the Chargin' Targe)

The stats (ideally) would be something like:

-30% damage taken
Still able to deploy über on yourself (despite not having the medigun anymore)
100% chance to minicrit with the Bonesaw
-10% Movement speed
No health regeneration

And next, we've got Machensaft


Also a secondary replacement, Machensaft triggers a self-buff (similar to Bonk! Energy Drink) that lasts 15 seconds with a 30 second cool down between uses; the effects of which are:

10% Faster movement speed
20% Faster melee attacks and weapon reload
Inflict minicrits for the duration of the buff
+10% damage taken
Sound is muffled
Vision is blurred

Primary replacement is in the works!


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