Home Digital Sketchbooks

Sketchbook - Philip Weisfeld - Sturmbeorn Viking - WIP


This thread is going to be dedicated to a particular class I am taking at Gnomon School of VFX called Character For Games.

Our assignment is to create one finished game character in 10 weeks.
We find any piece of concept art we like, and execute!

I will be using a piece by the awesome artist Mike Franchina, from his blog http://aphinc.blogspot.com/

This is just a learning project, I am not taking credit for the concept or design, I am purely interested in learning the process for creating an engine ready character. I assure everyone there will be no monetary gains from this project! I just love the artwork and am very inspired to create it!!!

Update - 01

To start I was very excited to make the weapons, so I blocked them out in maya, keeping real world scale in mind.


I used Zbrush to create a base mesh for the character, once satisfied I brought that mesh into Maya for a little clean up and fixing the scale.


At this phase I am only concerned with the silhouettes.



More to come soon.


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