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UE4 Main Menu Crashing - Please help!

polycounter lvl 8
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Hcui polycounter lvl 8
I made a simple menu using BP Widgets. It seems to work fine in the viewport when I click play, but when i launch the game, it always crashes when I click on any button that load a level.

Here's the crash I get: http://puu.sh/eFKwx/febd5aa3fa.png

I only have a start button and a quit button, and I start the game in a "main menu" level separate from the playable game level. Having checked multiple sources, my BP layout should be correct:

Level BP: http://puu.sh/eFMMR/abe156f96c.png

Menu BP Widget: http://puu.sh/eFMJ5/4cc431fdd0.png

Does anyone know what might be the problem?


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