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Swarm Coordinator unassigned

It's not the first time I'm trying to get this working, but I'm still failing :(

Well, at first it seems alright, my 2 machines are communicating but during Gathering Process all Remote Connections are being closed, leaving the Remote Agent "available, unassigned"

I've been following instructions from this tutorial:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WY2z8p6-kg8"]UDK - Networking the SWARM AGENT - YouTube[/ame]

It looks like this:


This is a part of my Log:

17:06:14: Building static lighting...
17:06:14: [Job] Found a parent connection for PID 6008
17:06:14: [Job] 1955CED6 -> 1955CED8
17:06:14: [Interface:TryOpenConnection] Local connection established
17:06:15: [Connect] Successfully opened a remote connection with SOEREN-LAPTOP
17:06:16: [EndJobSpecification] Started job on remote connection
17:06:16: [SendMessage] Added alias for remote connection: 1955CED9 is an alias for 1955CED7

17:06:26: Measured CPU frequency: 3.39 GHz
17:06:26: FStaticLightingSystem started using GKDOPMaxTrisPerLeaf: 4
17:06:26: Number of texture mappings: 2726
17:06:26: Number of vertex mappings: 0
17:06:26: Number of terrain mappings: 1
17:06:26: Number of fluid mappings: 0
17:06:26: Number of landscape mappings: 828
17:06:26: Number of SpeedTree mappings: 0
17:06:26: Number of BSP mappings: 305
17:06:26: Number of static mesh instance mappings: 2726
17:06:26: Number of SpeedTree mesh instance mappings: 0
17:06:28: Reserving memory for 3860 meshes, 2039458 vertices, 3059783 triangles
17:06:29: Scene surface area calculated at 24179.516 million units (27.727% of the estimated 87206.852 million units)
17:06:29: Importance volume surface area calculated at 1820.435 million units (44.196% of the estimated 4118.981 million units)
17:06:31: Building kDOP took 2.23 seconds.
17:06:31: Static lighting kDOP: 1956654 nodes, 978328 leaves, 3913312 triangles, 2039458 vertices
17:06:31: Static lighting kDOP: 22.553% wasted space in leaves
17:06:31: kDopTree.Nodes : 209.0Mb
17:06:31: kDopTree.SOATriangles : 268.7Mb
17:06:31: kDOPTriangles : 0.0Mb
17:06:31: TrianglePayloads : 92.5Mb
17:06:31: MeshInfos : 0.0Mb
17:06:31: Vertices : 31.1Mb
17:06:31: UVs : 15.6Mb
17:06:31: LightmapUVs : 15.6Mb
17:06:31: Static lighting kDOP: 1956654 nodes, 978328 leaves, 3913312 triangles, 2039458 vertices, 632.5 Mb

17:06:31: Processing...
17:06:39: EmitDirectPhotons complete, 3.837 million photons emitted in 7.1 seconds

17:06:45: [MaintainConnections] Detected dropped remote connection, cleaning up (1955CED7)
17:06:45: [MaintainConnections] Detected dropped remote connection, cleaning up (1955CED7)
17:06:45: [CloseConnection] Closing connection 1955CED7 using handle 1955CED7
17:06:45: [CloseConnection] Connection confirmed for disconnection 1955CED7
17:06:45: [CloseConnection] Closing bi-directional remote connection (1955CED7)
17:06:45: [CloseConnection] Connection disconnected 1955CED7
17:06:46: [MaintainConnections] Remote connection has closed (1955CED7)
17:06:46: [MaintainConnections] Remote connection has closed (1955CED9)
17:06:46: [MaintainConnections] Removed alias for remote connection: 1955CED9 was an alias for 1955CED7
17:06:46: [MaintainConnections] Removed connection 1955CED7
17:06:47: EmitIndirectPhotons complete, 8.738 million photons emitted in 8.2 seconds
17:06:48: Marking Irradiance Photons complete, 1.252 million photons marked in 0.8 seconds
17:07:22: Caching Irradiance Photons complete, 7.379 million cache samples in 34.5 seconds
17:07:33: Calculate Irradiance Photons complete, 0.514 million irradiance calculations in 10.6 seconds

17:08:12: [Network] Pinging remote agents...
17:08:12: SOEREN-LAPTOP (User = SOEREN, IP =, Version = 1.7.4623.0) is currently Available, Unassigned
17:08:12: SOEREN-PC (User = SOEREN, IP =, Version = 1.7.4623.0) is currently Working for SOEREN-PC, Assigned to SOEREN-PC
17:08:12: SOEREN-PC: IP address for this Agent cannot be verified - Coordinator and local mismatch or DNS inactive!
17:08:12: [Network] Remote Agent ping complete

Is someone experiencing similar problems? Or better - got a solution?^^


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