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Texture look blurry when I play the game

polycounter lvl 7
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Nathan3D polycounter lvl 7
hey so I don't know if this is an easy thing to fix and I cant seem to find it but the majority of my textures inside of unreal 4 seem to be blurry when I hit the play button, its fine in the editing viewport though here are some images of what's happening
this is in the viewport

this is when you play it


  • LMP
    Offline / Send Message
    LMP polycounter lvl 13
    Are you playing it in the editor viewport? Playing in the editor has lower quality settings for performance, I run a stand-alone version when I want to make beauty shots.
  • Nathan3D
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    Nathan3D polycounter lvl 7
    It is in the viewport. I'll give that a try and let you know
  • Cheeky_Pickle
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    Cheeky_Pickle polycounter lvl 9
    I had the same issue a while back and found it was the motion blur setting on UE4. If you turn it off there should be no more blur when you press play :). Search Global Post Process Volume and it's an option on there to turn off.
  • Nathan3D
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    Nathan3D polycounter lvl 7
    hey so I think i solved it, it was a pretty simple thing, i went to settings at the top and it was under engine scalability and i hadnt put it up to epic, everything seems fine for now haha
    thanks for helping :)
  • repete
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    repete polycounter lvl 6
    Everyone seems to be setting the engine quality settings to epic to make their textures look good. This is simply bad practice as they should look good with the engine set to medium and fantastic at epic. If your textures look blurred at a distance there are ways to solve this through proper material setups, if they look blurred and pixelated close up this can also be solved with proper material setups, detail texturing for instance.

    I personally try to get my materials looking good with the engine set to medium and take it from there.
  • Nathan3D
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    Nathan3D polycounter lvl 7
    as far as im aware my textures are all setup fine, there quite detailed like you can see in the viewport its just when you hit play they become blurred. any ideas to fix it if not setting the quality up?
  • repete
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    repete polycounter lvl 6
    Take a look at my rock/gravel texture

    Distance shot at medium:


    Distance shot at epic:


    Close up at medium:


    Close up at epic:


    This is what my terrain material looks like ( it's by no means complex )


    As you can see I have only used 2 diffuse & 2 normals, the idea was to do more with less and I still have the option to use a detail texture for the ground and rock close ups if it's needed.

    Assets can have materials for each LOD, so your assets will look good (depending on your material setup) from a distance and highly detailed close up:


    You can just create a material "instance" of your base material and add a detail texture for close up views. You will notice that on medium & epic settings there will be very little difference in texture quality and this is what I mean by proper material setups.

    I would start on your terrain textures first because that grass / soil texture is killing your assets. Some of your assets have a lot of texture stretching and will look blurred no matter what the engine settings are (probably uv issues) and a lot of the wood textures look very tiled. The 2 rocks look spot on btw but why not change their size ? Scalable textures are a great way to reuse assets like rocks

    If you need help with any of this just give me a shout Adelphia.


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