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Krita - painting tool- making seamless texture

polycounter lvl 18
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snake85027 polycounter lvl 18
I came across this Program while looking for a painting program that allows you to wrap around painting to create seamless textures....Its appears to be freaking awesome for hand painting textures. Check it out. Its something Adobe should have had years ago.


  • DShepard
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    DShepard polycounter lvl 10
    Been playing around with Krita for a while now. It's pretty fantastic for painting.
    I do miss a few functions from PS, but it's nothing I can't live without.

    This guy has some great tutorials (and other resources) for it if anyone is interested in learning more.

    It's also free and open source.
  • snake85027
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    snake85027 polycounter lvl 18
    I am using a texture I painted before to test the Wrap mode out and when I color pic the image it seems not to grab the right color and ideas? Im holding down Control to color pic..
  • snake85027
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    snake85027 polycounter lvl 18
    Loooks like I was trying to color pic outside of my original canvas and it doesnt like that. So you must color pic within your original canvas and then paint outside of it while in Wrap mode.
  • Wolthera
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    Wolthera polycounter lvl 5
    snake85027 wrote: »
    Loooks like I was trying to color pic outside of my original canvas and it doesnt like that. So you must color pic within your original canvas and then paint outside of it while in Wrap mode.

    Yeah, it's a limitation, and the programmer responsible has been busting his ass of with transform masks in 2.9, so he had no time to improve it.

    There's two 'workarounds':
    1) select all, this will draw marching ants only around the real tile, so you know where to pick.
    2) in 2.9 you can make a seperate view. Then set on of the views as wraparound, and draw on the other. Maybe not as elegant as 1.

    Have fun!
  • CreativeSheep
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    CreativeSheep polycounter lvl 8
    I've spent countless hours mastering Photoshop, and because of the crappy dollar dropping I will be paying almost $180.00 a year for Ps, stupid me should have prepaid when the dollar was higher :(

    Anyhow if I don't see any major improvement in Photoshop despite that I consider myself very efficient and know how to do almost everything in Ps in this years release of Ps I may consider dropping it, besides I'll save some money :)

    I want to see more 32-bit support, especially for EXR, HDR files, new plug-ins are nice, but that limitation I mentioned is enough to get me to change.

    It would be also nice if Adobe would have some love for Canadians who currently have a crappy dollar $1.00 US dollar = $0.80 Canadian :( $0.90 would be much better.
  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    It would be better if it was a ps plugin :< Kinda have the same tool in 3D coat

  • JedTheKrampus
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    JedTheKrampus polycounter lvl 8
    Krita can paint on 32-bit exrs as of the latest release, so I don't see why you would bother waiting on a Photoshop feature that will likely never come if you want to paint on HDR images. It's still a work-in-progress, still a little clunky and a little crashy and picking colors outside of the ordinary 0,0,0 to 1,1,1 space could be a little easier, but you can certainly do some nice customizations of environment maps with it and if you're painting on something equirectangular for Marmoset or Cycles or the like wraparound mode lets you paint on it with no seam at the edges without having to fuss with offsetting the image.

    Krita's coming along quite nicely and it's exciting to see it develop. You guys are doing good work and I can't wait to see what's coming next.
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    Yeh Krita is a decent painting program. only downside for me is using filters is very slow compare to PS. But its pretty much the only thing I can use at work, since our studio runs Linux as their main.
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