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[Unity]Tower Defense Game (WIP)

polycounter lvl 12
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Treboras polycounter lvl 12

Hi guys!

A friend and I have decided to get a little bit into indie game development, for him (long time programmer, but not games) to get into game programming and for me to keep up with optimizing my workflow and stuff. He does all programming and I do all graphics related stuff (shader scripting, animations, modeling, particle effects etc.)

We decided to do something simple and are now making this Tower Defense game.

Main platform will be PC; Still in early development with lot's of bugs and still lot's of performance optimization to do.

Please have a look (Unity web plugin needed) and let me know what you think. Any Feedback is appreciated:

CLICK ME TO "PLAY" - www.steamnships.com/


  • Treboras
    Offline / Send Message
    Treboras polycounter lvl 12
    First Turret: Gunner

    (what you see is the maxed out turret with all upgrades)

    (game link in the 1st post will be updated as soon as the rig + animations are done and integrated)

    The image is an ultra close-up render. The turret will be much smaller in-game.

    Feel free to leave feedback!

  • NegevPro
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    NegevPro polycounter lvl 4
    Looks really cool actually, can't wait to try the finished version because I love tower defense. Are you using the Tasharen Water Shader? The water looks great!

    Also, I'm not sure if this is a big deal but some people might find it annoying because the boat can swim through the platforms/towers and the top of it will stick out. The easiest fix to this that I can think of would be to simply place environmental boats/props in places where the player can't build.


    Anyway, hit me up if you need a tester, I'd gladly do it for free!
  • Treboras
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    Treboras polycounter lvl 12
    NegevPro wrote: »
    Looks really cool actually, can't wait to try the finished version because I love tower defense. Are you using the Tasharen Water Shader? The water looks great!

    Thank you very much! We are also great fans of Tower Defense and are very eager to play it ourselves :D

    The Water is Unity 4 Pro Water, heavily tweaked. I think I spent about 12 hours on the water alone to get a good scale and a "non-tile" look. That's quite challenging when you have such big scaling. Only thing that still needs improving is the foam at the shores. It looks okay, but could be better. But I'm not sure, if I will find a better solution for this.

    NegevPro wrote: »
    Also, I'm not sure if this is a big deal but some people might find it annoying because the boat can swim through the platforms/towers and the top of it will stick out. The easiest fix to this that I can think of would be to simply place environmental boats/props in places where the player can't build.

    Thanks for noticing, but the boat is just a dummy animated inside Unity to test the water waves / particle effect. I should have noted it above. My buddy is in fact working on the creep spawning as I write this.

    NegevPro wrote: »
    Anyway, hit me up if you need a tester, I'd gladly do it for free!

    Thank you very much for the offer. I will keep the thread updated on the progress and timeline.

    Tomorrow will come an updated version with the new turret and animations.
  • Treboras
    Offline / Send Message
    Treboras polycounter lvl 12
    Update: http://steamnships.com/


    ◘ New: Project domain and homepage (v.0.1) "steamnships.com" and "steamandships.com"
    ◘ New: Screenshots can be taken with "F9" (will be saved in "C:/")
    ◘ New: Turret "Gunner" model and animations (plus additional texture tweaks)
    ◘ New: FPS counter
    ◘ New: Camera Move Toggle Script button and functionality
    ◘ New: Pause button and functionality ("esc" key pauses also)
    ◘ New: Game name and version number displayed ingame
    ◘ Resolved: Building a "Gunner" on a "Platform" builds another "Platform"
    ◘ Updated: Camera field of view lowered from 70 to 50
    ◘ Updated: Camera restrictions updated to new field of view
    ◘ Updated: More transparent red/green overlay color values for selecting turrets and positioning
    ◘ Updated: "Platform" texture tweaks
    ◘ Updated: +80% performance increase
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