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[Mixamo contest] Nekro

even tho i will probably get smoked but most people im going to have a crack

here is some pictures i found on the internet
and a list of things i like
1. i like the - floating style of this
2. i like the - colors of this one
3. i like the - weapon on this one
4. i like the - inhuman head on this one
5. i like the - hands coming from the ground in this one
6. i like the - mouth of this one
7. i like the - clothes on this one
8.this one is puzzling me because knowing most people will go with more of the magical way of necromancy i found this and thort of a scientist that practises in necromany with alchemy and science
9. mages gloves

tell me what you guys think and i will be starting on a concept soon :)


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